#MaryFieldsStories Winner Announced!

Well, what a week! After months of hard work, the website was finally released! A huge thank you to everyone for their kind words and support. It is much appreciated! If you read the blog on Tuesday, I announced a mini campaign I was doing to honor all of my previous MFP clients. If you didn't get a chance to read it, check it out here

So, the time has come to announce the winner of the #MaryFieldsStories campaign! Thank you to all of you that participated and celebrated with me this week. Your words were so special and I loved getting to 'walk down memory lane' with you as you posted your favorite images. Because I had such a wonderful response to the #maryfieldsstories campaign, I decided to change my plans a little bit and do not one but TWO free portrait sessions. 

To choose the winner, I went totally old school and literally put your names in a hat. Felt a little bit like the excitement of BINGO. Yes, I just said that. So, drum roll please! The winners are...

Blair and Cooper ( I photographed their wedding in March 2014)


Paige and Hudson ( I photographed their wedding in January 2014)


Congrats, guys!!! I'll be in touch about the specifics! Also, stay tuned for more exciting news next week!

Happy Friday!